Ambitious about Autism’s Ambitious College programme is a specialist further education provision for learners with complex autism.
Ambitious College provides specialist support to enable young people with complex autism to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to live, work and contribute as part of their community.
Grant options:
- £4,500 would fund the purchase and installation of two interactive smartboards that would benefit the 65 learners who will attend the College each year.
- £8,000 would pay for one complete kitchen hub which is a replica of a typical domestic kitchen and where the learners can develop their skills in a realistic environment.
- £3,820 would represent a significant contribution to the creation of one of Ambitious College’s key vocational projects; the horticultural area. This project is to give the learners skills in land management, horticultural methods, skills in bedding plants and learning how to manage plant calendars.
- £5,945 would pay for three months’ salary of a specially trained, autism aware, employment specialist who will focus on a building the vocational skills of the students in order to successfully transition into employment upon their graduation.
Find out more about the wonderful services Ambitious About Autism provide.
Future Funding
Having supported a broad range of inspiring and transformational projects over the Foundation’s 30 year history, the Trustees decided to embark upon a strategic review to ensure our grants were having the greatest impact. In 2020 we completed an intensive eight month programme led by Ten Years’ Time and we’re thrilled to be focussing all our efforts now on building Youth Power and Leadership with some fantastic partners.